Dismissal of most unpopular "ELECTED Civil Martial-Law" Dictator GOVERNMENT

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U.S. is worried as it lost its agent govt in Pakistan to sign CTBT & to capture Mujahids including Bin Ladin
US caught by surprise by Pakistan coup

The Clinton administration is keeping a worried watch on Pakistan after a coup Tuesday in which military chief Gen. Pervaiz Musharraf announced on television that he had taken control of the country and "dismissed" the US favorite Nawas Govt because Nawaz Sharif was about to sing CTBT, hand over Assama bin Ladin & other Islamic Fighters to US. Sharif Govt was also helping US in capturing all Muslim Organizations. Mr.Sharif was caught on his own act. US was not aware of the fact that his agent Mr.Sharif will be gone too soon. In fact army & its chief had shown the restraint many times since Kargil war against Sharif therefore US was sure that army will not move against PM. On other side Vajpayee lost its sugar trage with Sharif.
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Army Vs Politicians Rule (Compare Pakistan's History)

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Kargil War Hero

Army Strikes Back

Tum Hi Se Ae Mujahido PAF  Song 56k 28.8k Real Video Audio

Kargil Ke Hero
1 Hour 40 Minutes PTV Show Audio

Audio of PTV Kargil Show

Sher Khan Shaeed

Kargil Poetry


http://www.desimusicworld.com/Ghalib/ptvkargilshow/ptvkargilshow.ram">Audio of PTV Kargil Show

Sher Khan Shaeed

Kargil Poetry